Patsy's face in a circle. Her glasses are atop her head. She is looking straight into the camera and two of her fingers are lightly holding the top of her ear. She is wearing a black top, small hoop earrings, and a slight smile.

I'm Patsy Moore Ph.B., Csc (she/her/hers – ⚢), a Caribbean-born, internationally-raised multidisciplinary artist, author, mystic, and licensed transpersonal counselor/coach based in Southern California, USA. I'm also a philosophy doctoral candidate and en route to becoming an ordained Metaphysical minister.

Daughter. Sister. Niece. Friend. Lover. Student. Teacher. Interested. Inspired. Invested. Human. I am.

PM Counseling is the private integrative practice wherein I administer psychosocial care shaped by nearly 50 years of Metaphysical Science study, as well as Jungian psychology; Rogerian therapy; and varied creative arts interventions.

For six years, my principal non-artistry focus was one-on-one counseling; however, in 2022, I made a slight directional shift. I spent several months developing courses and group programs to expand the scale, scope, and reach of my offerings, which are primarily anchored in conscious creation.

The first of these new approaches is a four-week grief process-centered container titled "Art as Healer", which will soon relaunch. You can learn more about it below, and if you believe it might be beneficial for you, I hope you'll reserve a spot in the program when the next enrollment period opens.

TICTR (No. 1)

This vs That

New Courses

Art as Healer

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